Puppet Configuration

The CREAM CE site can be configured with a puppet module. The module resorts to hiera for handling configuration parameters. Parameters are marked by type; simple types are “string”, “integer” and “boolean”; complex types are “list” and “hash”.

Hiera can work with different back-ends, like YAML and JSON. For the examples of parameter definitions in the following document the YAML syntax is used. According to YAML specification, the complex types can be declared in two different modes:

  • with indentation:

    # Example of list type
    blah::shared_directories :
        - "/mnt/afs"
        - "/media/cvmfs"
    # Example of hash type, with nested complex definitions
    creamce::queues :
        long :
            groups :
                - dteam
                - dteamprod
        short :
            groups :
                - dteamsgm
  • with block style:

    # Example of list type
    blah::shared_directories : [ "/mnt/afs", "/media/cvmfs" ]
    # Example of hash type, with nested complex definitions
    creamce::queues : {
        long : { groups : [ dteam, dteamprod ] },
        short : { groups : [ dteamsgm ] }

Mixing the two modes is possible but may be misleading; in case it is possible to test the hiera configuration with special tools like yamllint, already present in EPEL distribution.

CREAM service parameters

These are the basic configuration parameters related to the CREAM service:

  • creamce::batch_system (string): The installed batch system, mandatory, one of “pbs”, “slurm”, “condor”, “lsf”
  • creamce::host (string): The fully qualified Computing Element host name, default the host name
  • creamce::port (integer): The tomcat listen port, default 8443
  • creamce::site::name (string): The human-readable name of the site, default the host name
  • creamce::site::email (string): The main email contact for the site. The syntax is a coma separated list of email addresses, default undefined
  • creamce::sandbox_path (string): The directory where the sandbox files are staged on the CREAM CE node, default “/var/cream_sandbox”
  • creamce::delegation::purge_rate (integer): Specifies in minutes how often the delegation purger has to run, default 10 minutes
  • creamce::lease::time (integer): The maximum allowed lease time in second. If a client specifies a lease time too big, this value is used instead, default 36000 seconds.
  • creamce::lease::rate (integer): Specifies in minutes how often the job purger has to run, default 30 minutes

The following parameters enable and configure the internal monitoring system. Whenever a resource metric exceeds the related resource limit the CREAM CE suspends the job submission.

  • creamce::enable_limiter (boolean): In order to disable the limiter, it is needed to set this parameter value to false and restart the service, default true
  • creamce::limit::load1 (integer): Limiter threshold for the load average (1 minute), default 40
  • creamce::limit::load5 (integer): Limiter threshold for the load average (5 minute), default 40
  • creamce::limit::load15 (integer): Limiter threshold for the load average (15 minute), default 20
  • creamce::limit::memusage (integer): Limiter threshold for the memory usage, default 95 (percentage)
  • creamce::limit::swapusage (integer): Limiter threshold for the swap usage, default 95 (percentage)
  • creamce::limit::fdnum (integer): Limiter threshold for the number of file descriptors, default 500
  • creamce::limit::diskusage (integer): Limiter threshold for the disk usage, default 95 (percentage)
  • creamce::limit::ftpconn (integer): Limiter threshold for the number of concurrent ftp connections, default 30
  • creamce::limit::fdtomcat (integer): Limiter threshold for the number of file descriptors, default 800
  • creamce::limit::activejobs (integer): Limiter threshold for the number of active jobs, default -1 (unlimited)
  • creamce::limit::pendjobs (integer): Limiter threshold for the number of pending jobs, default -1 (unlimited)

The following parameters configure the internal job purger mechanism, all the values are expressed in number of days

  • creamce::job::purge_rate (integer): Specifies in minutes how often the job purger has to run, default 300 minutes.
  • creamce::purge::aborted (integer): Specifies how often the job purger deletes the aborted jobs, default 10 days
  • creamce::purge::cancel (integer): Specifies how often the job purger deletes the cancelled jobs, default 10 days
  • creamce::purge::done (integer): Specifies how often the job purger deletes the executed jobs, default 10 days
  • creamce::purge::failed (integer): Specifies how often the job purger deletes the failed jobs, default 10 days
  • creamce::purge::register (integer): Specifies how often the job purger deletes the registered jobs, default 2 days

The following parameters configure the job wrapper:

  • creamce::jw::proxy_retry_wait (integer): The minimum time interval expressed in seconds, between the first attempt and the second one for retrieving the user delegation proxy, default 60
  • creamce::jw::isb::retry_count (integer): The maximum number of ISB file transfers that should be tried, default 2
  • creamce::jw::isb::retry_wait (integer): If during a input sandbox file transfer occurs a failure, the JW retries the operation after a while. The sleep time between the first attempt and the second one is the “initial wait time” (i.e. the wait time between the first attempt and the second one) expressed in seconds. In every next attempt the sleep time is doubled. Default 60 seconds.
  • creamce::jw::osb::retry_count (integer): The maximum number of ISB file transfers that should be tried, default 2
  • creamce::jw::osb::retry_wait (integer): If during a output sandbox file transfer occurs a failure, the JW retries the operation after a while. The sleep time between the first attempt and the second one is the “initial wait time” (i.e. the wait time between the first attempt and the second one) expressed in seconds. In every next attempt the sleep time is doubled. Default 300 seconds.

CREAM Database

The following parameters configure the CREAM back-end:

  • creamce::mysql::root_password (string): root password for the database administrator, mandatory

  • creamce::creamdb::password (string): The database user password for the main operator, mandatory

  • creamce::creamdb::minpriv_password (string): The database user password for the monitor agent, mandatory

  • creamce::mysql::max_active (integer): The maximum number of active database connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time, or negative for no limit, default 200

  • creamce::mysql::min_idle (integer): The minimum number of connections that can remain idle in the pool, without extra ones being created, or zero to create none, default 30

  • creamce::mysql::max_wait (integer): The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception, or -1 to wait indefinitely, default 10000

  • creamce::mysql::override_options (hash): see the override option defined in https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/mysql,default

    {'mysqld' => {'bind-address' => '', 'max_connections' => "450" }}
  • creamce::creamdb::name (string): The database name for the CREAM service, default “creamdb”

  • creamce::creamdb::user (string): The database user name with user acting as main operator, default “cream”

  • creamce::creamdb::host (string): The fully qualified host name for any CE databases, default the host name

  • creamce::creamdb::port (integer): The mysql listen port for any CE databases, default 3306

  • creamce::creamdb::minpriv_user (string): The database user name with user acting as monitor agent, default “minprivuser”

  • creamce::delegationdb::name (string): The database name for the Delegation Service, default “delegationcreamdb”


These are the basic configuration parameters for BLAH:

  • blah::config_file (string): The path of the main BLAH configuration file, default “/etc/blah.config”
  • blah::logrotate::interval (integer): The interval in days for log rotation, default 365 days
  • blah::logrotate::size (string): The size of a log file in MB, default “10M”
  • blah::use_blparser (boolean): If true it enables the BLParser service otherwise BUpdater/BNotifier is used, default false
  • creamce::blah_timeout (integer): Represents the maximum time interval in seconds accepted by CREAM for the execution of commands by BLAH, default 300 seconds
  • creamce::job::prefix (string): The prefix to be used for the BLAH job id, default “cream_”
  • blah::shared_directories (list): A list of of paths that are shared among batch system head and worker nodes; the empty list is the default value

The following parameters configure BLAH if BNotifier/BUpdater are enabled:

  • blah::bupdater::loop_interval (integer): The interval in seconds between two BUpdater sessions, default 30 seconds.
  • blah::bupdater::notify_port (integer): The service port for the BNotifier, default 56554
  • blah::bupdater::logrotate::interval (integer): The interval in days for log rotation, default 50
  • blah::bupdater::logrotate::size (string): The size of a log file in MB, default “10M”

The following parameters configure BLAH if the BLParser is enabled:

  • blah::blp::host (string): The host name for the primary BLParser, mandatory if BLParser is used, default undefined
  • blah::blp::port (integer): The service port for the primary BLParser, default 33333
  • blah::blp::num (integer): The number of BLParser enabled instances, default 1
  • blah::blp::host1 (string): The host name for the secondary BLParser, default undefined
  • blah::blp::port1 (integer): The service port for the secondary BLParser, default 33334
  • creamce::listener_port (integer): The port used by CREAM to receive notifications about job status changes sent by the BLParser/JobWrapper, default 49152
  • creamce::blp::retry_delay (integer): The time interval in seconds between two attempts to contact the BLAH parser, default 60 seconds
  • creamce::blp::retry_count (integer): Represents the number of attempts to contact the BLAH parser (if it is not reachable) before giving up. If -1 is specified, CREAM will never give up , default 100

CREAM information system

The following parameters configure the Resource BDII:

  • bdii::params::user (string): The local user running the BDII service, default “ldap”
  • bdii::params::group (string): The local group running the BDII service, default “ldap”
  • bdii::params::port (integer): The BDII service port, default 2170
  • creamce::use_locallogger (boolean): True if the local logger service must be installed and configured, default is false
  • creamce::info::capability (list): The list of capability for a CREAM site; it’s a list of string, in general with format “name=value”, default empty list
  • creamce::vo_software_dir (string): The base directory for installation of the software used by Virtual Organizations
  • creamce::workarea::shared (boolean): True if the working area is shared across different Execution Environment instances, typically via an NFS mount; this attribute applies to single-slot jobs, default false
  • creamce::workarea::guaranteed (boolean): True if the job is guaranteed the full extent of the WorkingAreaTotal; this attribute applies to single-slot jobs, default false
  • creamce::workarea::total (integer): Total size in GB of the working area available to all single-slot jobs, default 0
  • creamce::workarea::free (integer): The amount of free space in GB currently available in the working area to all single-slot jobs, default 0 GB
  • creamce::workarea::lifetime (integer): The minimum guaranteed lifetime in seconds of the files created by single-slot jobs in the working area, default 0 seconds
  • creamce::workarea::mslot_total (integer): The total size in GB of the working area available to all the multi-slot Grid jobs shared across all the Execution Environments, default 0GB
  • creamce::workarea::mslot_free (integer): The amount of free space in GB currently available in the working area to all multi-slot jobs shared across all the Execution Environments, default 0 GB
  • creamce::workarea::mslot_lifetime (integer): The minimum guaranteed lifetime in seconds of the files created by multi-slot jobs in the working area, default 0 seconds

Hardware table

The hardware table contains any information about the resources of the site; the parameter to be used is creamce::hardware_table. The hardware table is a hash table with the following structure:

  • the key of an entry in the table is the ID assigned to the homogeneous sub-cluster of machines (see GLUE2 execution environment).

  • the value of an entry in the table is a hash containing the definitions for the homogeneous sub-cluster, the supported mandatory keys are:

    • ce_cpu_model (string): The name of the physical CPU model, as defined by the vendor, for example “XEON”
    • ce_cpu_speed (integer): The nominal clock speed of the physical CPU, expressed in MHz
    • ce_cpu_vendor (string): The name of the physical CPU vendor, for example “Intel”
    • ce_cpu_version (string): The specific version of the Physical CPU model as defined by the vendor
    • ce_physcpu (integer): The number of physical CPUs (sockets) in a work node of the sub-cluster
    • ce_logcpu (integer): The number of logical CPUs (cores) in a worker node of the sub-cluster
    • ce_minphysmem (integer): The total amount of physical RAM in a worker node of the sub-cluster, expressed in MB
    • ce_os_family (string): The general family of the Operating System installed in a worker node (“linux”, “macosx”, “solaris”, “windows”)
    • ce_os_name (string): The specific name Operating System installed in a worker node, for example “RedHat”
    • ce_os_arch (string): The platform type of worker node, for example “x86_64”
    • ce_os_release (string): The version of the Operating System installed in a worker node, as defined by the vendor, for example “7.0.1406”
    • nodes (list): The list of the name of the worker nodes of the sub-cluster

    the supported optional keys are:

    • ce_minvirtmem (integer): The total amount of virtual memory (RAM and swap space) in a worker node of the sub-cluster, expressed in MB
    • ce_outboundip (boolean): True if a worker node has out-bound connectivity, false otherwise, default true
    • ce_inboundip (boolean): True if a worker node has in-bound connectivity, false otherwise default false
    • ce_runtimeenv (list): The list of tags associated to the software packages installed in the worker node, the definitions for a tag is listed in the software table, default empty list
    • ce_benchmarks (hash): The hash table containing the values of the standard benchmarks (“specfp2000”, “specint2000”, “hep-spec06”); each key of the table corresponds to the benchmark name, default empty hash
    • subcluster_tmpdir (string): The path of a temporary directory shared across worker nodes (see GLUE 1.3)
    • subcluster_wntmdir (string): The path of a temporary directory local to each worker node (see GLUE 1.3)

Software table

The software table contains any information about the applications installed in the worker nodes; the parameter to be used is creamce::software_table. The software table is a hash with the following structure:

  • the key of an entry in the table is the tag assigned to the software installed on the machines (see GLUE2 application environment); tags are used as a reference (ce_runtimeenv) in the hardware table.
  • the value of an entry in the table is a hash containing the definitions for the software installed on the machines, the supported keys are:
    • name (string): The name of the software installed, for example the package name, mandatory
    • version (string): The version of the software installed, mandatory
    • license (string): The license of the software installed, default unpublished
    • description (string): The description of the software installed, default unpublished

Queues table

The queue table contains definitions for local user groups; the parameter to be declared is creamce::queues. The queues table is a hash with the following structure:

  • the key of an entry in the table is the name of the batch system queue/partition.
  • the value of an entry in the table is a hash table containing the definitions for the related queue/partition, the supported keys for definitions are:
    • groups (list): The list of local groups which are allowed to operate the queue/partition, each group MUST BE defined in the VO table.

Storage table

The storage table contains any information about the set of storage elements bound to this site. The parameter to be declared is creamce::se_table , the default value is an empty hash. The storage element table is a hash with the following structure: creamce::queues. The queues table is a hash with the following structure:

  • the key of an entry in the table is the name of the storage element host.
  • the value of an entry in the table is a hash table containing the definitions for the related storage element, the supported keys for definitions are:
    • type (string): The name of the application which is installed in the storage element (“Storm”, “DCache”, etc.)
    • mount_dir (string): The local path within the Computing Service which makes it possible to access files in the associated Storage Service (this is typically an NFS mount point)
    • export_dir (string): The remote path in the Storage Service which is associated to the local path in the Computing Service (this is typically an NFS exported directory).
    • default (boolean): True if the current storage element must be considered the primary SE, default false. Just one item in the storage element table can be marked as primary.


creamce::queues :
    long :  { groups : [ dteam, dteamprod ] }
    short : { groups : [ dteamsgm ] }

creamce::hardware_table :
    subcluster001 : {
        ce_cpu_model : XEON,
        ce_cpu_speed : 2500,
        ce_cpu_vendor : Intel,
        ce_cpu_version : 5.1,
        ce_physcpu : 2,
        ce_logcpu : 2,
        ce_minphysmem : 2048,
        ce_minvirtmem : 4096,
        ce_os_family : "linux",
        ce_os_name : "CentOS",
        ce_os_arch : "x86_64",
        ce_os_release : "7.0.1406",
        ce_outboundip : true,
        ce_inboundip : false,
        ce_runtimeenv : [ "tomcat_6_0", "mysql_5_1" ],
        subcluster_tmpdir : /var/tmp/subcluster001,
        subcluster_wntmdir : /var/glite/subcluster001,
        ce_benchmarks : { specfp2000 : 420, specint2000 : 380, hep-spec06 : 780 },
        nodes : [ "node-01.mydomain", "node-02.mydomain", "node-03.mydomain" ]
        # Experimental support to GPUs
        accelerators : {
            acc_device_001 : {
                type : GPU,
                log_acc : 4,
                phys_acc : 2,
                vendor : NVidia,
                model : "Tesla k80",
                version : 4.0,
                clock_speed : 3000,
                memory : 4000

creamce::software_table :
    tomcat_6_0 : {
        name : "tomcat",
        version : "6.0.24",
        license : "ASL 2.0",
        description : "Tomcat is the servlet container"
    mysql_5_1 : {
        name : "mysql",
        version : "5.1.73",
        license : "GPLv2 with exceptions",
        description : "MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server"

creamce::vo_software_dir : /afs

creamce::se_table :
    storage.pd.infn.it : { mount_dir : "/data/mount", export_dir : "/storage/export",
                           type : Storm, default : true }
    cloud.pd.infn.it : { mount_dir : "/data/mount", export_dir : "/storage/export",
                         type : Dcache }

CREAM security and accounting

The following parameters configure the security layer and the pool account system:

  • creamce::host_certificate (string): The complete path of the installed host certificate, default /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
  • creamce::host_private_key (string): The complete path of the installed host key, default /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
  • creamce::voms_dir (string): The location for the deployment of VO description files (LSC), default /etc/grid-security/vomsdir
  • creamce::gridmap_dir (string): The location for the pool account files, default /etc/grid-security/gridmapdir
  • creamce::gridmap_file (string): The location of the pool account description file, default /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
  • creamce::gridmap_extras (list): The list of custom entry for the pool account description file, default empty list
  • creamce::gridmap_cron_sched (string): The cron time parameters for the pool account cleaner, default “5 * * * *”
  • creamce::groupmap_file (string): The path of the groupmap file, default /etc/grid-security/groupmapfile
  • creamce::crl_update_time (integer): The CRL refresh time in seconds, default 3600 seconds
  • creamce::ban_list_file (string): The path of the ban list file, if gJAF/LCMAPS is used, default /etc/lcas/ban_users.db
  • creamce::ban_list (list): The list of banned users, each item is a Distinguished Name in old openssl format. If not defined the list is not managed by puppet.
  • creamce::use_argus (boolean): True if Argus authorization framework must be used, false if gJAF must be used, default true
  • creamce::argus::service (string): The argus PEPd service host name, mandatory if creamce::use_argus is set to true
  • creamce::argus::port (integer): The Argus PEPd service port, default 8154
  • creamce::argus::timeout (integer): The connection timeout in seconds for the connection to the Argus PEPd server, default 30 seconds
  • creamce::argus::resourceid (string): The ID of the CREAM service to be registered in Argus, default https://{ce_host}:{ce_port}/cream
  • creamce::admin::list (list): The list of service administators Distinguished Name, default empty list
  • creamce::admin::list_file (string): The path of the file containing the service administrators list, default /etc/grid-security/admin-list
  • creamce::default_pool_size (integer): The default number of users in a pool account, used if pool_size is not define for a VO group, default 100
  • creamce::create_user (boolean): False if the creation of the users of all the pool accounts is disabled, default True

VO table

The VO table contains any information related to pool accounts, groups and VO data. The parameter to be declared is creamce::vo_table, the default value is an empty hash. The VO table is a hash, the key of an entry in the table is the name or ID of the virtual organization, the corresponding value is a hash table containing the definitions for the virtual organization,the supported keys for definitions are:

  • servers (list): The list of configuration details for the VOMS servers. Each item in the list is a hash; the parameter and any supported keys of a contained hash are mandatory. The supported keys are:

    • server (string): The VOMS server FQDN
    • port (integer): The VOMS server port
    • dn (string): The distinguished name of the VOMS server, as declared in the VOMS service certificate
    • ca_dn (string): The distinguished name of the issuer of the VOMS service certificate
  • groups (hash): The list of local groups and associated FQANs, the parameter is mandatory, each key of the hash is the group name, each value is a hash with the following keys:

    • gid (string): The unix group id, mandatory
    • fqan (list): The list of VOMS Fully Qualified Attribute Names. The items in the list are used to compose the group map file. The parameter is mandatory
  • users (hash): The description of pool accounts or a static users, the parameter is mandatory, each key of the hash is the pool account prefix or the user name for a static user, each value is a hash with the following keys:

    • name_pattern (list): The pattern used to create the user name of the pool account, the variables used for the substitutions are prefix, the pool account prefix, and index, a consecutive index described below; the expression is explained in the ruby guide, default value is

    • primary_fqan (list): The list of the primary VOMS Fully Qualified Attribute Names associated with the user of the pool account. The attributes are used to calculate the primary group of the user and to compose the grid-map file. The mapping between FQANs and groups refers to the groups hash for the given VO. For further details about the mapping algorithm refer to the authorization guide. The parameter is mandatory

    • secondary_fqan (list): The list of the secondary VOMS Fully Qualified Attribute Names associated with the user of the pool account. The items in the list are used to calculate the secondary groups of the user. The parameter is optional.

    • create_user (boolean): False if the creation of the user is disabled for the current pool account, default is True

    • pub_admin (boolean): True if the pool account is the defined administrator account, default false, just one administrator account is supported. The first user in the pool account, or the static user if it is the case, is selected for publishing information about VO tags.

    • accounts (list): The list of SLURM accounts associated with this set of users, further details can be found in the SLURM specific section

    A pool account can be defined in two different ways. If the user IDs are consecutive the parameters required are:

    • first_uid (integer): The initial number for the unix user id of the pool account, the other ids are obtained incrementally with step equals to 1
    • pool_size (integer): The number of user in the current pool account, the default value is global definition contained into creamce::default_pool_size. If the value for the pool size is equal to zero the current definition must be considered for a static user.

    If the user IDs are not consecutive their values must be specified with the parameter:

    • uid_list (list): The list of user ID; the pool account size is equal to the number of elements of the list.

    In any case the user name is created using the pattern specified by the parameter name_pattern where the index ranges from 1 to the pool account size (included). It is possible to shift the range of the indexes using the parameter creamce::username_offset.

  • vo_app_dir (_string_): The path of a shared directory available for application data for the current Virtual Organization, as describe by Info.ApplicationDir in GLUE 1.3.

  • vo_default_se (string): The default Storage Element associated with the current Virtual Organization. It must be one of the key of the storage element table


creamce::use_argus :                 false
creamce::default_pool_size :         10
creamce::username_offset :           1

creamce::vo_table :
    dteam : {
        vo_app_dir : /afs/dteam,
        vo_default_se : storage.pd.infn.it,
        servers : [
                          server : voms.hellasgrid.gr,
                          port : 15004,
                          dn : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms.hellasgrid.gr,
                          ca_dn : "/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2016"
                          server : voms2.hellasgrid.gr,
                          port : 15004,
                          dn : /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms2.hellasgrid.gr,
                          ca_dn : "/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2016"
        groups : {
            dteam : { fqan : [ "/dteam" ], gid : 9000 },
            dteamsgm : { fqan : [ "/dteam/sgm/ROLE=developer" ], gid : 9001 },
            dteamprod : { fqan : [ "/dteam/prod/ROLE=developer" ], gid : 9002 }
        users : {
            dteamusr : { first_uid : 6000, primary_fqan : [ "/dteam" ],
                         name_pattern : "%<prefix>s%03<index>d" },
            dteamsgmusr : { first_uid : 6100, pool_size : 5,
                            primary_fqan : [ "/dteam/sgm/ROLE=developer" ],
                            secondary_fqan : [ "/dteam" ],
                            name_pattern : "%<prefix>s%02<index>d",
                            pub_admin : true },
            dteamprodusr : { primary_fqan : [ "/dteam/prod/ROLE=developer" ],
                             secondary_fqan : [ "/dteam" ],
                             name_pattern : "%<prefix>s%02<index>d",
                             uid_list  : [ 6200, 6202, 6204, 6206, 6208 ] }


The TORQUE cluster must be install before the deployment of CREAM, there’s no support in the CREAM CE puppet module for the deployment of TORQUE. Nevertheless the module may be used to configure the TORQUE client on CREAM CE node if and only if the node is different from the TORQUE server node. The YAML parameter which enables the TORQUE client configuration is torque::config::client, if it is set to false the configuration is disabled, the default value is true. The CREAM CE puppet module can create queues and pool accounts in TORQUE, the YAML parameter is torque::config::pool, if it is set to false the feature is disabled, the default value is true.

Other configuration parameters for TORQUE are:

  • torque::host (string): The TORQUE server host name, default value is the host name.
  • torque::multiple_staging (boolean): The BLAH parameter for multiple staging, default false
  • torque::tracejob_logs (integer): The BLAH parameter for tracejob, default 2
  • munge::key_path (string): The location of the munge key. If TORQUE client configuration is enabled the path is used to retrieve the manually installed key; mandatory if torque::config::client is set to true.


The SLURM cluster must be install before the deployment of CREAM, there’s no support in the CREAM CE puppet module for the deployment of SLURM. The module provides an experimental feature for configuring SLURM users and accounts if the accounting subsystem is enabled in SLURM. The YAML parameter which enables the experimental feature is slurm::config_accounting, the default value is false. If it is set to true each user of the pool account is replicated in the SLURM accounting subsystem. The site administrator can associate to the any replicated user one or more SLURM accounts in two different ways:

  • Specifying a list of accounts already created in SLURM. The list of SLURM accounts associated to the new user is specified by the parameter accounts of the users definition of the VO table; the parameter is mandatory in this case.
  • Delegating the creation of the SLURM accounts to the puppet module. The module creates a SLURM account for each VO and a SLURM sub-account for each group in a given VO. The parameter to be set for enabling the automatic creation of account is slurm::standard_accounts, its default value is false.

CREAM with HTCondor

The HTCondor cluster must be install before the deployment of CREAM, there’s no support in the CREAM CE puppet module for the deployment of HTCondor.

The configuration parameters for HTCondor are:

  • condor::deployment_mode (string): The queue implementation model used, the value can be “queue_to_schedd” or “queue_to_jobattribute”, the default is “queue_to_schedd”
  • condor_queue_attr (string): The classad attribute used to identify the queue, when the model used is “queue_to_jobattribute”, mandatory if the deployment mode is “queue_to_jobattribute”
  • condor_user_history (boolean): True if condor_history should be used to get the final state info about the jobs, the default is false
  • condor::config::dir (string): The directory containing the configuration files for the HTCondor installation, the default is /etc/condor/config.d
  • condor::command_caching_filter (string): The executable for caching the batch systems commands, if not specified the caching mechanism is disabled

Experimental features

The features described in this section are subject to frequent changes and must be considered unstable. Use them at your own risk.

GPU support configuration

The GPU support in the information system (BDII) can be enabled with the configuration parameter creamce::info::glue21_draft(boolean), the default value is false. The GPU resources must be described in the hardware table, inserting in the related sub-cluster hashes the following parameter:

  • accelerators (_hash_): The hash table containing the definitions for any accelerator device mounted in the sub-cluster. Each item in the table is a key-value couple. The key is the accelerator ID of the device and the value consists on a hash table with the following mandatory definitions:
    • type (string): The type of the device (GPU, MIC, FPGA)
    • log_acc (integer): The number of logical accelerator unit in the sub-cluster
    • phys_acc (integer): The number of physical accelerator device (cards) in the subcluster
    • vendor (string): The vendor ID
    • model (string): The model of the device
    • version (string): The version of the device
    • clock_speed (integer): The clock speed of the device in MHz
    • memory (integer): The amount of memory in the device in MByte